Please support the work of People Matter … Can you help us?
25th April 2022 marked the start of our 25th anniversary year. On this day in 1997, People Matter was officially incorporated as a charity with a mission to help jobseekers. Over the past 26 years, we have helped around 16,000 jobseekers.
The paperchain people in our special anniversary logo represented those jobseekers and are displayed in our offices.
Over the past 25 years our team of dedicated staff and volunteers has helped around 16,000 people, and although our services are free of charge, they are not free for us to provide. Some services are partly funded by the generosity of faithful supporters.
Would you please consider supporting us today, either by making a one-off donation or by supporting us with a regular amount.
We recognise the valuable role played by those who support the work of People Matter both physically and financially. Thank you for your generous giving
All donations can make a difference to our work. As a guide it costs us:
- £34 to provide a single career advice session
- £29 to provide a job club session
- £33 per week to create a professional CV
- £33 per week to run a workshop
- £34 to provide a mock interview and feedback session
Could you sponsor one of these or our postage stamp fund or the refreshment and hospitality fund for jobseekers?
You can donate in the following ways:
- send a cheque payable to ‘The People Matter Trust’
- arrange a monthly direct debit
- make a payment online with your PayPal account
- select The People Matter Trust as your charity when you shop using AmazonSmile
- make a cash donation at our main office (2nd Floor, 55 South Street, Eastbourne, BN21 4UT). View on + Google Map
If you are a UK tax payer, you can make your donation worth 25% more by making a gift aid declaration.
For more information about giving to People Matter, please email reception:
Do you have any time to spare? Can you offer us your skills and experience?
If you have any skills you would like to donate eg:
- administration to help with our paperwork
- practical to help maintain our building
- advice, information and guidance to help our jobseekers
- fund raising to help with our finances
- business to help with our partnerships
If you would like to offer your time and skills, please email reception:
Join our event
During the year we host a number of fund raising events – see our calendar for details. If you would like to support us at any of our events, please email reception:
Become a business partner
Are you a local business looking to support a local charity and help make a different in the local community? Each year we need to raise £200,000 to equip and support local jobseekers in achieving their employment goals.
You can support us in a number of ways:
- sponsor one of our activities or funds
- make an annual commitment from your charity fund
- fundraising in the workplace with staff and customers eg coffee morning, quiz
- offer office equipment, stationery or office supplies
By supporting People Matter, your company will help us to help others.
For more information about becoming a business partner, please email reception:
Could you leave us a gift in your will?
You can help us continue to meet the needs of jobseekers in the future by leaving us a gift in your will.
There are several ways of giving from your will – you could leave us:
- a specific gift, such as a property, painting or antique
- a set sum of money, called a pecuniary gift
- a share of your estate, called a residual gift.
For more information about leaving us a legacy, please email reception:
Whichever way you choose, we are grateful for your support.